Foredrag v. Erick Valdes, Princeton University (på engelsk)
Erick Valdes will attempt to clarify the biolegal scopes of biolaw by defining it as a new juridical model, which can guarantee the identification and recognition of biorights in international legal systems through a constitutional reception of international standards on individual subjective rights. In order to do so, Valdes will identify, define and criticize four conceptions of biolaw, which show certain insufficiencies to understand, resolve and regulate the brand new juridical conflicts arisen by virtue of genetic technologies. The above mentioned will permit several jurisdictions to meet their international obligations in this matter as well as to make those rights effective within the internal jurisdictional contexts.
Erick Valdes is a jurist and philosopher. He holds a PhD in Philosophy and Postdocs in Bioethics and Philosophy from Georgetown university, USA, as well as a Postdoc in Law from the Washington College of Law, USA. He is a former Adjunct Research Professor of Bioethics at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University, and is currently a Visiting Research Professor at the University Center for Human Values, Princeton University, USA. He is a Founding Member and President of the International Network of Biolaw (, Vice-President of the Ibero-American Association of Practical Philosophy, and a member of the Colombian Institute of Bioethical Studies. He is the author of several books and papers on bioethics and biolaw,
both in English and Spanish.